Building a Product-based business in a male-dominated industry


We were a family that set off on a hunting journey years ago. In 2019 we decided to begin documenting our journey on Instagram, but as we began braving the mountains together as a family, frustration set in. 

It was painful trying to find clothing that we could all wear + stand behind... especially for kids! We pieced outfits together from some of the companies that we have always loved, but they didn't serve kids the same way they did the adults and it was frustrating. 

Finally, we decided enough was enough and we were going to create our own. With my husband by my side, we set off on our building a product-based business together. 

I'm a photographer and have built a business before, but a real imposter syndrome set in when we start talking hunting! So, between the hubs and I, we became the perfect mix of knowledge and business + off we went! 

Eventually, I took over Building ColdStrike and Dustin enjoyed stepping more behind the scenes with his help. 

So here I am! A mama building a product-based business in a male-dominated industry. I've got a backseat full of kids, hubs behind the wheel, a box full of dogs, and we're off on a journey to build this thing together!


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